Biz Magick Livestream Replay + Resources
A couple of weeks ago we did a livestream on Business Magick and the rituals, spells or practices that I've taken part in to help bring loving, attracting, clients to my business!
We mention the affirmations, bible verse rituals ( , visiting the crossroads, quick burn rituals and more that I personally do on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, depending on the ritual.
Most of the Money Drawing herbs and roots we mention in this live stream can be found right in your kitchen! But we do have Herbal Blends By Intention available for those of you that need a POWERFUL herb pack that will please The Spirits of Money and Commerce. Just add your intention for $$$$ at the check out and you'll receive an aromatic herb packet with Money Drawing Herbs, Roots and Flowers for that you can use in oils, on carpet, in floor washes, mojo bags, as an offering and more! Click here to purchase an Herbal Blend to Bust the Bag Open!
We also mentioned the quick burn that I do weekly for financial abundance. We have a free video tutorial on quick burns, the tutorial covered self love, but you can substitute the herbs and candle for money drawing purposes.
And why not do a little self love too???
Sometimes we don't attract money the way we want because we subconsciously believe that we are not worthy of the money we desire. Self Love works can open the flow for money to come in just as much as a green candle with money herbs can.
You are the source of your power!
ok let me stop preachin . Here's the link to the quick burn tutorial. It's Free.99 just need your name and email for access. Click here to Access The Free Quick Burn Tutorial!
If something we suggest helps you gain more clarity, customers, and cash; Let us know! Here are some ways to donate to us if you'd like to keep circulating that COIN!
Ok now that you got the links and info you need, here's the link to the replay! I included the video and audio versions so you can listen on the go!
Let's Get to the bag yall!
Nefer Phoenix