Membership Page
Please Read Carefully!!
Welcome, and Thank you for Joining The Hood Botanica Membership, or #Inner Court.
If you are a member, please sign in to your account via the menu on the left <---
and click one of the photos below to access your content.
The perks of the membership include (but are not limited to)
- Monthly Group Divinations (via Oracle and Tarot) 🔮
- Private Livestreams via Zoom twice a month (every other Sunday) 💻
- Of Course, posts and content surrounding topics I do not discuss publicly
- A Members’ only Podcast 🎙
- Free, Discounted and/or early access to Courses, Digital Products AND Physical Products 😎
- and more!
Here is some more on the Tiers:
For 2024, I've simplified the Tiers to separate the content you'd like to engage in:
🔮 Tier 1: Spirituality, Magic, Religion, Occultism: All Levels
This Tier will contain content, discussions etc relating to spiritual, magical, religious, esoteric and occult topics. It will include content ranging from beginner to advanced, and will have one livestream a month dedicated to q & a and discussions surrounding these topics
🤑💰 Tier 2: Sorcery x Success: Business, Finance & Career
In this Tier, we will be covering topics related to Business, Marketing, Money Mindset & Magic and Career Success. We will have content surrounding practical, spiritual, magical and mindset tips in each (and overlapping) areas. There will also be one live stream a month dedicated to subjects, questions and answers.I’ll be going over thoughts, lessons and techniques that have helped support me as a full time entrepreneur as well as we will be going over new techniques I’m learning together. Until the Business Mentorship (more on that soon) is live, we will also be covering online side hustles, marketing tips and more!
🌹 Tier 3 is the Everything Tier,
for those of you who would like access to the content in each tier.
For those in the everything Tier, you can click on either photo below to access content on both Tiers.
All Members are invited to the #SundaySessions Live Streams that take place every other Sunday.
Links to Join the Zoom can be found in the "General Announcements" section of the membership (photo and link below)
Before Purchasing a Membership, please Use the Log in feature to log into your account. If you don't have an account with Us yet, the Create Account link to create one.
NOTE: Please use the SAME email for your Account with us AND at Check Out when purchasing the Membership, which will renew automatically every month.
Once you do this, come back to this page to access your content!
For the Current Members of the #InnerCourt
Click one of the photos below to access your content: Currently there is only content on the General Membership Page, but we will be adding content to each tier soon! In the meantime, introduce yourself on the Members Only Forum, linked above.
If you are in the Everything Tier, you can click either one of the photos below to access all content!
Note: When you head to the proper blog, there will only be about 2-3 posts shown on each page. Be sure to scroll to the bottom to toggle through the page numbers and access older content!