Psalms for Justice: Ancient Spells for Modern Legal Matters

Psalms for Justice: Ancient Spells for Modern Legal Matters

Blessed Jupiter Day! I’ve been promising this post for a little while now, and I’m grateful to finally share with you!! As many of you know, I usually do not provide one on one rituals or workings; with the exception of Court Cases and Justice workings. Many of you have hit me up over the last few months reaching out for assistance, which made me decide on a Court Case group working, but with this, that or the other; even that working has fallen by the wayside So today I decided to share with you some keys on how I...

Manifesting with the Moon's Lunar Phases: Intro to Harnessing the Power of the Moon

Manifesting with the Moon's Lunar Phases: Intro to Harnessing the Power of the Moon
Learn the Basics of Manifesting with the Moon and Learn some Beginner Ritual Basics in this Guide on How to Manifest with the Moon!